The Milan Chromatin Network brings together research groups studying DNA/protein interaction, Chromatin and Epigenetics as well as related disciplines such as Proteomics, and Molecular and Cellular Biology.

Network Coordinator: Marco Bianchi (San Raffaele University and Scientific Institute)

The activities of Milan Chromatin Network aim at fostering interactions and collaborations between Chromatin researchers in the Milan area and beyond.

The Network is open for all those interested..

The groups currently participating to the MiChroNetwork Meeting belong to the following Institutions:

  • CNR-Humanitas
  • Istituto Di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri
  • Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
  • Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta
  • Ospedale S. Gerardo di Monza


We would like to thank the following companies for supporting our Meetings and Website.






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